The highest number recognized by orthodox mathematics is the Centillion. Any number higher than a Centillion is considered an unimaginable abstraction belonging to the realm of infinity.Here is a list from greatest to least in value:
Decimal System
The Incas and certain other pre Columbian tribes in Peru developed the Decimal System hundreds of years before it was used in Europe.Prime Numbers
Michael Cameron, 20, from Canada proved 213,466,917-1 is prime on November 14, 2001. Although this prime took only a few weeks on his 800 MHz AMD computer it took nearly two and half years and tens of thousands of computers for the GIMPS project to test well over 100,000 unsuccessful candidates. Congratulations to Michael and every GIMPS contributor for their part in this remarkable find.
"Our cosmos is a perfectly tuned instrument! The Magic of .2732"
It is quite amazing the Dance between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. The mathematics that govern their cycles are intimately connected. As you know, our Earth dances around the Sun every 365.25 days, with the Moon revolving around the Earth every 27.32 days-the length of the sidereal month.
There exists a remarkable decimal connection between these dual circular motions? The reciprocals of their orbits correspond to:
1/27.32 = 0.0366 and 1/366 = 0.002732
This means that the length of the lunar month exactly corresponds to a solar leap year! It also happens that the radius of the Moon measures 0.272 Earth radii. These perfected astronomical and mathematical harmonics could explain why, during a solar eclipse, the Moon's disk is exactly the right size to cover the Sun. It seems that our cosmos is a perfectly tuned instrument!
Also, the ratio between the mass of the Moon and the mass of the Earth is 1:81 (where 81 = 3x3x3x3 or 3 to the power of 4 or 3^4).
As a fraction, this is expressed as 1/81 and when we convert this to a decimal, it becomes .012345679 repeater meaning the decimals go forever like this: .012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679. To explain this curious property of the decimalized reciprocal of 81's "missing number 8 sequence", we could rewrite it as an infinite sum of numbers: 1/81 = 0.0123456789 (10) (11) (12) (13) etc or as: 0.0 + 0.01 + 0.002 + 0.0003 + 0.00004 and on out to infinity.
What I am investigating, is the deep structure of the Logos, which is essentially numbers.

Regarding this decimal appearance of .273, we could state that a human fetus spends exactly 10 sidereal months-inside the womb which is 273 days, but you may argue that not all babies are born exactly at 10 moons gestation.
Is it a coincidence that Absolute Zero, the lowest theoretical temperature possible when all motion stops, is -273.2 Celsius? This number depends upon the Celsius temperature scale, which is based upon the freezing and boiling points of water. Nature connects moons, fetuses and water; joining them with precision, reminding us of a Creator.
One final, though important reference to this ubiquitous number .2732 is the timeless relationship to the Square and the Circle. Lets see how God's pure geometry can derive this number again: Inscribe a circle within a square; it is the ratio between the area of the remainder of the square after the circle has been cut out and the area of the circle. For a circle of diameter 2 meters, inside a square whose side is also 2 meters long, the eternal ratio is (4-pi)/pi = 0.2732.
There are many more examples like this yielding this harmonic of .2732... but all we need to know now is that a highly intelligent and Divine Mind underpins all Creation.
No one knows how the Pyramids were built. It is one of the biggest mysteries ever. If someone claims that they know just walk away from their rant.

Its footprint is that it covers 13 acres.
Its length along each side is 750 feet, and 481 feet tall.
Half a million blocks were used in its construction.
There are supposedly 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches (or 8 feet) thick and weighing about 15 tons each with nearly perfect right angles for all six sides.
More importantly than its size, is its mathematical precision and its earth-grid coordinates locking it in to cardinal True North, so precise within 3/60th of a single degree!
The pyramid incorporates the astrological dimensions of the planet. When you take the height of the Pyramid and multiply it by 43,200, you get the Polar Radius of the Earth!
When you take the base or perimeter of the Pyramid and multiply it by 43,200, you get the Equatorial Circumference of the Earth!
So, for thousands of years, this amazing monument has encoded the precise dimensions of the planet on a scale of 1 : 43,200. This is not a random ratio. It is indexed to the Earth's wobble, and the Precession of the Equinoxes that accounts for 1 degree of movement every 72 years, (and 72 is a factor of 43,200, that is, it is divisible into this number by 600 times). It also relates to the number of seconds in a day which is 60 x 60 x 24 = 86,400 which is double this number of 43,200.
Where did this space-age data and precision come from?
For these many reasons, it is farcical or even stupidity to think that slaves built the pyramids. The average stone block was about 2.5 tons, but some blocks were actually over 70 tons. How could slaves have raised these large blocks 300 feet above the ground?
The conclusion is that there must be a lost civilization that we have either forgotten about, or our history books have censored this knowledge which threatens the current and misinformed archeological reality. We are sadly missing some important chapter of the Human Story.
(Sourced and transcribed from a facebook video by Graham Hancock on "How The Pyramids Were Built")
At 12:34 on May 6, 1978, there was a peculiar lining up of dates and hours that will not happen again until the year 2078. On that day the numbers in the hour 12:34 were followed by the number Sequence of the month, day, and year for May 6, 1978, which reads 5/6/78. The resulting Sequence was 12345678.