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Interesting Facts - Food & Diet

The staple food of the Kanembu, a tribe living on the shores of Lake Chad in Africa, is Algae. The Kanembu harvest a common variety known as Spirulina from the lake, dry it on the sand, mix it up into a spicy cake, and eat it with tomatoes and chili peppers.

Apples are more efficient than coffee at keeping people awake in the morning.

On average, a pound of potato Chips cost two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.

One average sized potato yields 36 chips.

Have you ever wondered why the American chocolate bar 3 Musketeers was named after an 1844 French novel? It wasn’t because Mars, Inc. wanted to teach young Americans about French noblesse, it was because 3 Musketeer bars were originally three smaller bars in one package! The bars were chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla—but due to wartime shortages, they became one singular, chocolate-only affair in 1945.

Eighteen ounces of an average Cola drink contain as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Consumption of green and yellow vegetables has decreased 6.3 pounds a year per person since the late 1940s. The use of cereal and flour products has dropped about 30 pounds a year per person, and Consumption of noncitrus fruits has declined at about the same rate. Many diets call for an increase in fruits and vegetables and a decrease in wheat products, many around the world participate in Medifast and other programs that promote healthy eating and consumption controlled by the use of tracking method or Medifast coupons that call for a higher consumption of healthy green and yellow fruits and vegetables. The only fruits whose rate of consumption has increased since World War I are citrus fruits.

On the average, each American Consumes 117 pounds of potatoes 116 pounds of beef, 100 pounds of fresh vegetables, 80 pounds of fresh fruit, and 286 eggs per year.

Brown eggs are more expensive than white, but it's not because they're healthier - it's because the hens that lay them are physically bigger breeds that need more feed, increasing the cost of production.

''Free-run'' means chickens can move around in open concept barns, but they don't necessarily have access to the great outdoors. Overcrowding may still be an issue.

"Free-range'' means hens see the light of day (depending on the weather) and their feet actually come in contact with the earth.

"Cage-free'' eggs may come from hens that live in cages. "Cage-free'' means hens are not confined to battery cages, but that's about it. They don't have access to the outdoors, and there are no assurances about what they are fed or what kinds of medications they are given.

Organic Eggs - Hens that produce certified organic is benefit from the highest welfare standards. For example, the SPCA Certified label assures is come from farms that have passed their animal welfare standards.

Because older eggs have larger air cells, they're much easier to peel than fresh eggs.

Egg shell color doesn't indicate nutritional advantages. The differences in egg shell color is solely due to genetics. Raised in the same conditions, there will be no difference in nutrition or taste between different colored eggs.

Egg Yolk color does indicate nutritional differences. Protein and fat counts will often remain the same regardless of yolk color, but there can be up to a 100-fold increase in micronutrient value of certain Carotenoids in eggs with rich, dark yolks.

Chicken earlobes can predict what color egg they will lay. In general, chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, while chickens with red or brown earlobes lay brown eggs.

Not every egg in your carton is the same size and the size of the egg depends on the age of the hen. The older the hen, the larger the egg she produces.

Can't tell if that egg in the refrigerator is raw or hardboiled? Try spinning it! Raw: Eggs wobble as the liquid inside shifts Hardboiled: Eggs will spin smoothly

Because older eggs have larger air cells they're much easier to peel than fresh eggs.

It takes a hen between 24 and 26 hours to develop an egg. Once she lays an egg, the development of a new egg normally starts within 30 minutes.

Most of today's egg-laying hens are White Leghorns (white eggs) or Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks (brown eggs).

Eating raw eggs won't help you build muscle. Only 51% of the proteins in raw eggs are digestible, while 91% of the proteins in cooked eggs are digestible.

Harriet, a hen from the United Kingdom, laid the world's largest egg in 2010. Her astonishing egg measured 9.1 inches in diamter!

Half the foods eaten throughout the world today were developed by Farmers in the Andes Mountains. Potatoes, maize, sweet potatoes, squash, all varieties of beans, peanuts, manioc, cashews, pineapples, chocolate, avocados, tomatoes, peppers, papayas, strawberries, mulberries, and many other foods were first grown in this region.

Garlic works well on sore throats, though not necessarily on strep throat (hasn’t been proven yet on strep throat, as far as I can tell). According to a study done by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, eating garlic while you have a sore throat will significantly shorten the duration of your sore throat. Further, it was found that eating garlic on a daily basis will significantly reduce your likely hood of contracting a cold and will reduce the number of days you’re sick, if you do get the cold.

Honey generally has the effect of reducing pain on burns and open wounds because it prevents air from reaching the wounded area. Further, it has been shown to reduce scarring due to stimulating skin regrowth. Another great side-benefit to using honey to treat burns and cuts is that a bandage used after honey is fully applied to a wounded area won’t stick to the wound when removed.

In the general case, though, diluting honey and taking advantage of its hydrogen peroxide production will get rid of many of the other antibacterial properties; so usually it’s better to use pure honey, rather than diluted. Specifically, diluting honey will change its pH and it’s aw values. If you choose to dilute the honey, with say, water, then its pH and free-water levels will rise to the point that they won’t inhibit microbial growth and you’ll have to rely more on the increased hydrogen peroxide production to prevent infection.

It takes 12 bees their entire lives to produce one teaspoon of honey.

In ancient China and certain parts of India, Mouse flesh was considered a great delicacy. In ancient Greece, where the Mouse was sacred to Apollo, Mice were sometimes devoured by temple priests.

According to a report issued by the Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, improved Nutrition would cut the national health bill by approximately one third. The committee also claims that a diet composed of 10 percent protein, 10 percent fat, and 80 percent complex carbohydrates (plus exercise done in moderation) could save 98 percent of those who die of heart disease every year.


Rennet, a common substance used to curdle milk and make cheese, is taken from the inner lining of the fourth stomach of a calf.

There are 15,000 different kinds of Rice.

Rice is the chief food for half the people of the world.

The Bible mentions Salt more than thirty times.

Though most people think of Salt as a seasoning, only 5 out of every 100 pounds produced each year go to the dinner table The rest is used for such diverse purposes as packing meat, building roads, feeding livestock, tanning leather, and manufacturing glass, soap, ash, and washing compounds.

The nutritional value of squash and pumpkin Seeds improves with age. These Seeds are among the few foods that increase in nutritive value as they decompose. According to tests made at the Massachusetts Experimental Station, squash and pumpkin Seeds stored for more than five months show a marked increase in protein content.

In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was believed to be an aphrodisiac.

After the "Popeye" comic strip started in 1931, spinach consumption went up by thirty-three percent in the United States. A 2010 study showed Popeye still has a strong influence, as children who watched Popeye cartoons increased their vegetable consumption.

Refined Sugar is the only food known that provides calories but no nutrition. About 100 pounds of Sugar are eaten per person each year in America, and only 36 percent of it is taken directly. The rest is "hidden" in commercially sweetened and prepared foods like ketchup, baby food, canned fruits, and cereals. Children, it is estimated, consume 3 to 4 pounds of refined Sugar a week.

Sugar is a big part of our diet, too big in fact and it is causing havoc with our health, teeth and waistlines. Sugar is a major cause of cavities in the teeth of both children and adults.

The World Health Organization (WHO) now states that your daily sugar intake should be only 5% of your total daily calorie intake to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

That means that an average adult should only consume about 25 grams of sugar daily, (about 6 teaspoons) and children even less.

Some healthy foods such as fruit and milk naturally contain sugar. These sugars don't seem to cause concern but the added sugar in our food and drinks is a big concern.

It is important to take the time to read the nutrition label on each product. The amount of sugar it contains is clearly stated.

To be better able to visualize the sugar content of a product be aware that every 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon.

Did you know that a 355ml can of pop contains anywhere from 35 to 40 grams of sugar? That is 10 teaspoons of sugar! That is already over our daily recommendation.
    Here are a few other examples:
  • 547ml bottle of Ice Tea contains over 10 teaspoons of sugar (41 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of ketchup contains 1 teaspoon of sugar (4 grams)
  • Large "double double" coffee contains 6 teaspoons of sugar (24 grams)
  • 300ml Chocolate milk contains almost 8 teaspoons of sugar (31 grams)
  • 473ml can of Energy Drink contains 15 teaspoons of sugar (60 grams)
  • 1 cup of baked beans contains 3 teaspoons of sugar (12 grams)
    Here are some things we can do:
  • Learn to curb the sugar addiction, read the nutrition label and make smart, low sugar choices.
  • Be aware that sugar has many names including fructose, sucrose, dextrose, syrup and cane juice.
  • Downsize your serving size, there is a big sugar difference between a small and a large drink.
  • Drink water when you are thirsty, water is the best way to hydrate yourself.
  • Have an occasional treat rather than making it a daily routine.
  • Avoid sticky sweets, they tend to stay on your teeth for a longer time.
  • Read the ingredients of snacks, sugar should never be near the top of the list.
  • Remember, brush and floss your teeth 2 times daily to help remove sugar and plaque so you can enjoy a healthy, happy mouth!

Among many native tribes in South Africa, Termites are roasted to a nutlike consistency and eaten by the handful, like party snacks. It might also be noted that at certain specialty food shops in the United States and Europe, the connoisseur of exotic delicacies can purchase such treats as chocolate covered ants, candied bees, and pickled bull's scrotum.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat more than 22 pounds of Tomatoes every year. More than half this amount is eaten in the form of ketchup and Tomato sauce.

Everyone knows about Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Few are aware that there are also Vitamin K (promotes proper liver function and vitality), Vitamin T (helpful in treating anemia), Vitamin H (also called biotin), and Vitamin U (promotes healing of ulcers).

Eight glasses of water or other fluid a day is not necessary for good health.

In ancient Rome it was considered a sin to eat the flesh of a Woodpecker.

The Healing Power of Food

The idea that certain foods can prevent and treat disease is nothing new. As youngsters, we were told that chicken soup would help get rid of the flu, that roughage relieved constipation, that spinach made you strong. Compared with what we're told now, that's, well, kid stuff. During the past several years, the scientific evidence supporting the healing power of foods has turned from a trickle into a torrent---a convincing current even the nutrition naysayers can't dam. "Hundreds---no, thousands-of studies have indicated that eating the right foods can prevent a host of ills," says William E. Connor, M. D. , a nutritional scientist and professor of medicine at Oregon Health Sciences University. Most notable among them are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gallstones, adult-onset (type II) diabetes, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, colon, and prostate. "This is significant, because these are the very conditions that send most people to their doctor;" says Dr. Connor who is also coauthor of The New American Diet. But food doesn't only have the potential to stave off disease; it can help cure it as well. Studies have shown that eating certain foods can bring dangerously high cholesterol and blood pressure down to safe levels. The right foods can control diabetes, prevent osteoporosis, boost your immunity, and soothe a host of digestive woes. They can even ease painful conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. And that's just to name a few. What exactly is a healing food? One that is short on elements we know are bad for us, like saturated fat, cholesterol, salt, and too many calories. And one that is chock-full of things we have learned are so good for us, like select vitamins and minerals, fiber, and fish oils. And the good news is that these healing qualities can be found in a bounty of foods readily available to us.

In terms of healing potential, Dr. Connor says, a representative meal might be 3 or 4 ounces of salmon or tuna, a helping each of broccoli and green beans, a sweet potato or white potato topped with yogurt and chives, a slice of whole wheat bread, and a fresh-fruit dessert. What's so special about those foods? The fish is high in certain components of oil called omega-3 fatty acids that can help lower cholesterol and reduce the tendency for blood to clot. A growing body of evidence strongly suggests that the vitamins, fiber, and other substances found in dark green and yellow vegetables, potatoes, and certain fruits can help boost immunity, fight off cancer, or keep your arteries clear. As for yogurt, it's a rich source of calcium, which may help protect against high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Chives and other members of the onion family contain substances that help protect against cancer and heart disease. Sound promising? Good, because there's more. Doctors and researchers have discovered a similar bounty of evidence about the healing potential of many other foods. Here, from A to Z, is what's happening on the disease front.


Healthy blood depends on iron. It is the key component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that does the work of carrying oxygen through the bloodstream. If you have irondeficiency anemia, it means your red blood cells ' are too scarce and too small---your body is starving for oxygen, and you feel tired and listless. : Even a slight depletion of iron can hobble your energy. Women are the most common victims of iron deficiency, largely because of monthly blood losses through menstruation and their penchant for dieting. Years ago, doctors tried to solve the problem of low iron by ordering their patients to eat liver. It's one of the most concentrated sources of heme (the most absorbable) iron, which is found only in flesh food. But they don't make that recommendation anymore. Doctors have since found that liver is loaded with so much cholesterol it can no longer be considered a healing food. But you can get ample amounts of heme iron from other meats. Certain vegetables and grains also contain iron, but it is only in the nonheme form, which is not as easily absorbed as heme iron. Scientists have discovered, however, that nonheme iron is easier to absorb in the presence of certain substances, such as vitamin C. So if you're going to depend on grains and vegetables as your main source of iron, you might want to drink a glass of orange juice when you eat them.

To boost your iron intake or help fight anemia, reach for the following healing foods.
  • All low fat meats, particularly beef
  • A poultry, particularly the dark meat of turkey
  • Beans (dried) O Cauliflower
  • Melons (cantaloupe) o Mollusks (clams only) 0 Seeds (sesame)
  • Tofu
  • Waterfowl (duck, goose)


After decades of research, scientists and doctors have come to this conclusion: up to 50 percent of all cancers may be linked to diet. So what you eat and don't eat can tilt the odds of escaping certain types of cancer in your favor. In fact, the evidence is so overwhelming that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends a list of dietary guidelines for cancer prevention. And at the top of the list is reducing the amount of fat in your diet. There has probably been more research on the role of dietary fat in cancer development than on any other substance in the diet, says the NCI's Elaine Lanza, Ph.D. How much fat is too much? You should get no more than 30 percent of your daily calories from fat, according to the NCI. Others suggest you should get even less than that. And you should get 10 percent or less of your calories from saturated fat. Using this rule as a guideline, nearly every recipe in this book is an anticancer weapon. All were developed to keep the amount of saturated fat at a minimum! But excess fat is only part of the strong association between food and cancer. There are stacks of studies suggesting that you can cut your chances of developing certain forms of cancer by eating plenty of fiber, fruits and vegetables rich in betacarotene, foods containing vitamins C and E, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, and members of the allium (onion) and cruciferous (cabbage variety) families of vegetables. Even calcium-rich foods are intriguing scientists as potential protectors against some types of cancer. Here are some examples of the cancer-fighting power of foods. Several studies have linked diets rich in cruciferous vegetables with a lower incidence of cancers attacking the digestive system, such as bowel and colon cancers. Cruciferous vegetables are loaded with natural compounds called indole glucosinolates, which some researchers believe have protective action against cancer. (There is speculation, however, that cooking may break down glucosinolates, canceling out some but not all of their protective effects.)

A number of studies have found that people who eat a lot of fiber-rich foods have a lower incidence of colon cancer than those who don't get much fiber in their diet. Insoluble fiber, which is found in many fruits and vegetables and whole grains, seems to be the most protective type of fiber. Insoluble fiber encourages faster bowel activity, minimizing contact between the colon and cancer-causing substances. Dozens of studies have found a protective link between beta-carotene---a precursor of vitamin A---and certain forms of cancers. These studies strongly suggest that the more foods you eat containing beta-carotene-chiefly green and yellow fruits and vegetables-the less likely you are to develop cancer of the lungs, stomach, or mouth. This is of particular significance to smokers, who are at high risk for lung and mouth cancers. Beta-carotene, along with vitamins C and E, is an antioxidant, and scientists believe that antioxidants help protect the cells from cancer. A study on lab animals found that fish oil can slow the growth of cancerous tumors. And another found that the cancer in the animals that were fed fish oils spread less quickly.

The Top 27 Alkaline Foods on the Planet (Eat more to prevent cancer, obesity and heart disease)

The human body is meant to be an alkaline organism, and if you’re putting too much junk food in, chances are you’re also eating too many acidic foods.
When we eat acidic foods, our blood pH can change from a normal alkaline level to a harmful acidic level. This will affect the immune system and make us more susceptible to disease.

Alkalizing Foods

Even if you are not worried about your blood pH levels (if you eat enough healthy foods in a day), these alkaline foods will help your body for many other reasons and can add to your overall wellbeing.

Top Five Alkaline Foods

1. Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is a great alkaline food and also has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, as well as the ability to rid the body of free radical.

2. Melon

Any kind of melon is great at cleansing the colon, and at a pH level of 8.5, they are super alkaline. Watermelon is especially good for you due to its high fiber and 92% water content.

3. Buckwheat

Looking for a replacement to wheat? Buckwheat is a great place to start! It will kick start your day by improving energy and can even help prevent cardiovascular disease.

4. Olive Oil

This tasty oil is rich in vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids.

5. Flax Seed

Not only are they alkaline, but flax seeds are also high in fiber and vitamin E. They can reduce inflammation and hot flashes in menopausal women.

Other Alkaline Foods

- Bananas – When ripe, bananas can an excellent superfood!
- Berries – High in antioxidants.
- Carrots – Contain beta-carotene and will improve eyesight.
- Garlic – Has the power to regulate blood pressure.
- Broccoli – Steam it for cholesterol- lowering benefits.
- Grapes – High in multivitamins and antioxidants, grapes will lower blood pressure.
- Pineapple – Will help with weight loss.
- Alfalfa Sprouts – Easy to digest and rich in enzymes to keep your hormones balanced.
- Lemons– One of the most alkalizing food, lemons also aid in cold, cough and flu relief.
- Brussels Sprouts – May prevent cancer.
- Sauerkraut – Fermented foods add probiotics to your diet.
- Cauliflower – A healthy substitute for bread!
- Grapefruit – Good source of vitamin A and C.
- Seaweeds – Contain iron and are powerful acid reducers.
- Quinoa – Will maintain healthy blood sugars.
- Cucumber – Its 90% water content will keep your skin healthy and youthful.
- Parsley – Will clean the intestines.
- Mango – Great for cleansing the colon.
- Spinach – The ultimate, vitamin-packed vegetable.
- Oranges – Great for clearing a cold.
- Papaya – A natural laxative to keep your colon clean.

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