The Incas considered bridges to be so sacred that anyone who tampered with one was put to death. Among the most impressive Inca bridges were the chacas, or rope bridges, that spanned great distances over gorges and rivers. They were made of plaited grasses woven together into a single cable as thick as a man's body, and they sometimes extended for 175 feet. It took as many as a thousand people to build such a bridge, and many of these remarkable structures lasted more than five hundred years.Bridge
A bridge built in Lima, Peru around 1610 was made of mortar that was mixed not with water but with the whites of 10,000 eggs. The bridge, appropriately called the Bridge of Eggs, is still standing today.
You may think that the residents of Lima would have had to resort to baking without eggs because of the construction, but in fact the Bridge of Eggs mortar was actually made with egg whites from sea birds, rather than chickens. There are actually many baking recipe adaptations where eggs are not needed. Breads, cookies, cakes and even this pancake recipe no egg variation can be made any time you are out of eggs.
The Column of Trajan, built in 113 A.D. to commemorate the Roman emperor Trajan's victories against the Dacian tribes of the lower Danube, contains a continuous frieze a yard wide and 218 feet long in which more than 2,500 human figures as well as hundreds of boats, horses, vehicles, and pieces of military equipment are depicted. This great column, still standing today, rises 128 feet from the ground, is 12 feet thick at the base, and is made entirely of gilded bronze. Inside is a circular staircase where the ashes of Trajan were sprinkled.Empire State Building
There are 10 Million bricks in the Empire State Building.House
Japanese farmers, after removing the hulls from their rice crop and sorting out the white kernels, take the hulls from the leftover rice, mix them into a kind of paste, mold the substance into brick-shaped blocks, and build houses with them. Such buildings are known in Japan as "houses of rice skin"House
Many houses in the rural districts of Nepal are constructed of cow dung mixed with mud, sand, and clay.Palace
The Escorial, the famous palace located outside Madrid, was built in the shape of a gridiron because Saint Lawrence, to whom the palace was dedicated, was roasted on one.Pentagon
It takes a person fifteen to twenty minutes to walk around the Pentagon once.Pyramids
No one knows how the Pyramids were built. It is one of the biggest mysteries ever. If someone claims that they know just walk away from their rant.

- The Pyramid weighs 6 million tons.
- Its footprint is that it covers 13 acres.
- Its length along each side is 750 feet, and 481 feet tall.
- Half a million blocks were used in its construction.
- There are supposedly 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches (or 8 feet) thick and weighing about 15 tons each with nearly perfect right angles for all six sides.
- More importantly than its size, is its mathematical precision and its earth-grid coordinates locking it in to cardinal True North, so precise within 3/60th of a single degree!
- The pyramid incorporates the astrological dimensions of the planet.
- When you take the height of the Pyramid and multiply it by 43,200, you get the Polar Radius of the Earth!
- When you take the base or perimeter of the Pyramid and multiply it by 43,200, you get the Equatorial Circumference of the Earth!
- So, for thousands of years, this amazing monument has encoded the precise dimensions of the planet on a scale of 1 : 43,200. This is not a random ratio. It is indexed to the Earth's wobble, and the Precession of the Equinoxes that accounts for 1 degree of movement every 72 years, (and 72 is a factor of 43,200, that is, it is divisible into this number by 600 times). It also relates to the number of seconds in a day which is 60 x 60 x 24 = 86,400 which is double this number of 43,200.
For these many reasons, it is farcical or even stupidity to think that slaves built the pyramids. The average stone block was about 2.5 tons, but some blocks were actually over 70 tons. How could slaves have raised these large blocks 300 feet above the ground? The conclusion is that there must be a lost civilization that we have either forgotten about, or our history books have censored this knowledge which threatens the current and misinformed archeological reality. We are sadly missing some important chapter of the Human Story.
In the mid-sixteenth century Hicleyoshi, the so-called peasant ruler of Japan, ordered that all the swords in the nation be collected and melted down. The metal was then used, in 1586, to construct an enormous statue of Buddha. It took 50,000 artisans more than six years to build the statue, and exactly ten years after it was completed an earthquake razed it. Not a trace of this giant figure remains today.Tower
The sixty story John Hancock Tower in Boston is haunted by one of more of the more mysterious problems in skyscraper history: it's windows, huge 4 X 11 foot panes of glass, pop out unexpectedly and shatter on the street below. The building, completed in 1972, was less than a month old when suddenly dozens of its windows began popping for no discernible reason. Determined to remedy the situation, the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company replaced all 10,334 windows with 400-pound sections of half-inch tempered glass. The windows kept popping out. Today the mystery remains unsolved, and windows occasionally still pop. To protect passers John Hancock has hired two permanent guards who do nothing but peer up and spot the cracked panes before they tumble to the sidewalk.Wall
The only manmade structure visible from space is the Great Wall of China.