The Universe is probably about 15 billion years old, but the estimations vary. One problem with working out the age of the Universe is that there are stars in our galaxy which are thought to be 14 to 18 billion years old – older than the estimated age of the Universe. So, either the stars must be younger, or the Universe older.Astronomy
Astronomers believe that the universe contains one atom for every 88 gallons of space.Black Holes
The swirling gases around a black hole turn it into an electrical generator, making it spout jets of electricity billions of kilometers out into space.

Black Holes
If you fell into a black hole, you would stretch like spaghetti. Gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.Black Holes
There is a blackhole that has the mass of 50 BILLION suns.Comets
A Comet's tail always points away from the sun.Comets
Until the mid sixteenth century, Comets were believed to be not astronomical phenomena, but burning vapors that had arisen from distant swamps and were propelled across the sky by fire and light.Debris
There are approximately 10,000 pieces of equipment revolving around the earth. About 3,000 of these pieces are satellites, the rest are odd bits of Debris.Divine Geometery
"Our cosmos is a perfectly tuned instrument! The Magic of .2732"
It is quite amazing the Dance between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. The mathematics that govern their cycles are intimately connected. As you know, our Earth dances around the Sun every 365.25 days, with the Moon revolving around the Earth every 27.32 days-the length of the sidereal month.
There exists a remarkable decimal connection between these dual circular motions? The reciprocals of their orbits correspond to:
1/27.32 = 0.0366 and 1/366 = 0.002732
This means that the length of the lunar month exactly corresponds to a solar leap year! It also happens that the radius of the Moon measures 0.272 Earth radii. These perfected astronomical and mathematical harmonics could explain why, during a solar eclipse, the Moon's disk is exactly the right size to cover the Sun. It seems that our cosmos is a perfectly tuned instrument!
Also, the ratio between the mass of the Moon and the mass of the Earth is 1:81 (where 81 = 3x3x3x3 or 3 to the power of 4 or 3^4).
As a fraction, this is expressed as 1/81 and when we convert this to a decimal, it becomes .012345679 repeater meaning the decimals go forever like this: .012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679 012345679. To explain this curious property of the decimalized reciprocal of 81's "missing number 8 sequence", we could rewrite it as an infinite sum of numbers: 1/81 = 0.0123456789 (10) (11) (12) (13) etc or as: 0.0 + 0.01 + 0.002 + 0.0003 + 0.00004 and on out to infinity.
What I am investigating, is the deep structure of the Logos, which is essentially numbers.

Regarding this decimal appearance of .273, we could state that a human fetus spends exactly 10 sidereal months-inside the womb which is 273 days, but you may argue that not all babies are born exactly at 10 moons gestation.
Is it a coincidence that Absolute Zero, the lowest theoretical temperature possible when all motion stops, is -273.2 Celsius? This number depends upon the Celsius temperature scale, which is based upon the freezing and boiling points of water. Nature connects moons, fetuses and water; joining them with precision, reminding us of a Creator.
One final, though important reference to this ubiquitous number .2732 is the timeless relationship to the Square and the Circle. Lets see how God's pure geometry can derive this number again: Inscribe a circle within a square; it is the ratio between the area of the remainder of the square after the circle has been cut out and the area of the circle. For a circle of diameter 2 meters, inside a square whose side is also 2 meters long, the eternal ratio is (4-pi)/pi = 0.2732.
There are many more examples like this yielding this harmonic of .2732... but all we need to know now is that a highly intelligent and Divine Mind underpins all Creation.
The Earth spins at 1,000 mph but it travels through space at an incredible 67,000 mph.Galaxies
The Milky Way galaxy we live in: is one among the BILLIONS in space. The Milky Way galaxy is whirling rapidly, spinning our sun and all its other stars at around 100 million km per hour.Gold
According to scientists, Gold exists on Mars, Mercury, and Venus.Gravity
A space vehicle must move at a rate of 7 miles per second to escape the earth's Gravitational pull. This is equivalent to going from New York to Philadelphia in about twenty seconds.Gravity - Weight
A bucket filled with earth would Weigh about five times more than the same bucket filled with the substance of the sun. However, the force of Gravity is so much greater on the sun that a man Weighing 150 pounds on our planet would Weigh 2 tons on the sun.Halley's Comet
In 1910, when it was announced that Halley's Comet would once again pass the earth, hysteria broke out in Europe,

It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun's surface to the Earth.Mass
99% of our solar systems mass is concentrated in the sun.Meteors
More than 75 million meteors enter the earth's atmosphere every day, but they disintegrate before hitting the ground.

The moon weighs 81 billion tons.Moon
The Moon is moving slowly away from the Earth at the rate of 3cm per year.Planets
Pluto is the smallest and coldest planet among all ten planets in our solar system.Proportions
-More than 1 million earths would fit inside the sun. -If our Sun were just inch in diameter, the nearest star would be 453 miles away.Pulsar
A Pulsar is a small star made up of neutrons so densely packed together that if one the size of a silver dollar landed on earth, it would weigh approximately 100 million tons.Quasar
A galaxy of typical size, about 100 billion suns produces less energy than a single Quasar.Shape
Based on Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, there are three possible shapes that the Universe may take: open, closed, and flat. Once again, measurements by WMAP on the CMBR have revealed a monumental confirmation – the Universe is flat.
Combining this geometry and the idea of an invisible entity known as dark energy coincides with the widely accepted ultimate fate of our universe, which as stated earlier, is a Big Freeze.Size
Current estimates as with regards to the size of the Universe pegs it at a width of 150 billion light years. Although it may seem peculiarly inconsistent with the age of the Universe, which you’ll read about next, this value is easily understood once you consider the fact that the Universe is expanding at an accelerated rate.
If the earth were the size of a quarter, the sun would be as large as a 9 foot ball and would be located a football field distance from the earth. If the entire solar system were the size of a quarter, the sun would be visible only under a microscope, and the nearest star would be 300 feet away If our whole galaxy were the size of a quarter, our solar system would be less than the size of a molecule. Other galaxies would be from a foot to 1,000 feet away.Spanse
Scientists believe that hydrogen comprises approximately 90 to 99 percent of all matter in the Universe.Spanse
Our galaxy has approximately 250 billion stars and it is estimated by astronomers that there are 100 billion other galaxies in the universe.Stars
Sirus star is much brighter than the sun. In fact, no star is as bright as sirus.

The Star Alpha Herculis is twenty five times larger than the circumference described by the earth's revolution around the sun. This means that twenty five diameters of our solar orbit would have to be placed end to end to equal the diameter of this Star.Sun
The Sun provides our planet with 126,000,000,000,000 horsepower of energy every day. This means that 54,000 horsepower is delivered to every man, woman and child on earth in each twenty four hour period. This amount of energy equals only about two billionths of the total energy broadcast into our solar system by the Sun each day.Sun
The Sun is always losing weight in fact Scientists have worked out that it loses around 4 Million tonnes every second, this is the amount of hydrogen gas that the sun turns into energy every second.Sun
The sun is a 5 billion years old star and is supposed to remain exist for another 5 billion years.Sun
The Sun travels around the galaxy once every 200 million years – a journey of 100,000 light years.Venus
This one’s hard to believe: Venus’ days are longer than its years. Due to slow axis rotation, a day on Venus lasts 243 Earth-days, whereas its brisk tour around the Sun takes a mere 225. That means if you lived on Venus, you would have seven birthdays a week! (NB: if you lived on Venus you would actually have zero birthdays a week, as its surface-temperature is 462° C and you would die instantly.)Venus Transit
Transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments.

The latest Venus transit occcured in 1882, 122 years ago. So no human alive on Earth has ever witnessed a Venus transit! Venus takes more than six hours to track across the Sun.
The largest Volcano in the solar system is on Mars Olympus Moons, 600 km wide and 24,000 m high, is nearly three times higher than Mt. Everest.White Holes
The opposite of black holes are estimated to be white holes which spray out matter and light like fountains.